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Fi Morrison, STEM | ED Magazine

Each issue is based around a theme...which I believe is a fantastic way to tailor these magazines for student learning...

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Why choose Double Helix magazine?
Perfect for ages 8 - 14
Developed by experienced editors
Engaging and motivating
84% of readers become more interested in science
Get hands-on, ask science questions, and win prizes!
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6 Reasons
to use Double Helix magazine in your classroom
- Double Helix inspires future scientists: 84 per cent of our readers* are more interested in science than before they started reading Double Helix
- Our magazine is published by CSIRO, Australia's national science agency, and curated by STEM qualified editors
- We bridge the gap between textbooks and the real world, reporting on the very latest STEM research
- Our comics and puzzles make great extension material for students, and you can decorate your classroom with our posters
- Each issue is packed with tried, tested and FUN hands-on activities, using materials you can find at school or home
- We interview top Australian scientists, so your students can hear from the source
* Based on results of the 2020 Double Helix reader survey
Why Double Helix is the #1 science magazine in Australia
And as I read through the two editions of Double Helix, published by CSIRO, I was thoroughly impressed with the detail within each article, as well as the learning opportunities they present to students.
Each issue is based around a particular theme; for example, we received Issue 44 (themed around Optical Illusions) and Issue 45 (themed around Robots) which I believe is a fantastic way to tailor these magazines for student learning as it can support educators to utilize these magazines as an inquiry unit resource.
I also love how this magazine supports student voice by allowing for student writers to be involved in the writing process - a great opportunity for your students to engage in an authentic learning experience in an inquiry unit!
Fi Morrison, STEM | ED Magazine