Double Helix Digital

We are now partnering with a number of digital retailers to provide Double Helix in electronic format.

If you love our magazine but want a more sustainable option that you can access anywhere with an internet connection and digital device, why not explore our online options.

For Individuals

Double Helix is now available for individual purchase of issues and subscriptions, from our retail partners including iSubscribe (external link).

For Libraries

Schools and public libraries can subscribe through resellers including Overdrive and Flipster from EBSCO.

Need Help?

We are not currently selling digital subscriptions or issues from the Double Helix website, so if you do purchase the digital edition and have queries, please contact the retailer you have purchased from in the first instance.

Why choose Double Helix magazine?

Perfect for ages 8 - 14

Developed by experienced editors

Engaging and motivating

84% of readers become more interested in science

Get hands-on, ask science questions, and win prizes!